Our Church
In the year of 2003, 30th day of June, the Lord placed a vision in Rev. Victor T. Woods’ heart. Elder William H. Woods Jr. and Evangelist Deloris A. Woods allowed him to use their home as the organizing place of worship. At this meeting were nine true followers of Christ, ready and willing to step out on faith. Rev. Woods stated that the name of the church would be New Unity Church. He took New from his former church home (New Haven) and Unity from his childhood church home (Unity Fellowship). Also in the vision, the Lord placed on Rev. Woods’ heart to make Rev. Charles H. McClain his Assistant Pastor. Whereas; in this place, God is concerned about relationship more than religion.
In this place,
God is concerned about relationship more than religion.
Without a penny to our name, no savings or checking account and with the found favor of God we were blessed with a donation. The location of our new home was 3020 N. Post Road and we walked in on August 3, 2003. Rev. Woods’ father in the ministry, Pastor Raymond Hiser had given his release of blessings for Rev. Victor T. Woods to move forth in Jesus’ name. Before walking in, we dedicated our home back to God from which whom all blessings flow. Within a few months the Lord blessed us with what we needed. After getting settled in our new home, the Lord blessed us with a Mother’s ministry, Nurses ministry, 2 associate Ministers, 5 Evangelists, and 4 Deacons. We also have different ministries available here at the church.
In October of 2004, God saw fit to bless New Unity with another new home. A full circle had come in Pastor’s life when he was called to go back to his childhood church home. In preparation to move to 2761 N. Sherman Dr., Pastor stated he would need the help of all the saints for this was “our church”. On December 5, 2004, we moved into our new home with marching in and marching around the sanctuary three times, one for the father, one for the son, and one for the Holy Ghost.
Our history was founded on the vision given to our Pastor by the Holy Spirit and behind every Pastor is wisdom. Our founding mother, Carrie Mae Bradley, was called home to be with the Lord on February 3, 2007. She was a mother full of love, humbleness, and gratitude. She served on the Mother’s Ministry for 3 ½ yrs and always kept the faith. She fought a good fight and stayed in the race until the Lord called her home to be with Him.
With the help of the Lord’s grace and mercy, we have been able to sustain the Lord’s bride, his church. There have been numerous renovations to the inside and outside of the building to keep it looking nice and refreshed. While fighting strong, in the Lord’s army over the years, our visionary has been elevated from glory to glory; Pastor to 🡪 Overseer to Bishop. On May 7, 2016, the Lord commanded that two become one in holy matrimony; therefore, wedded his beautiful wife, Kourtnee D. Woods. They continue to work, pray without ceasing and stand boldly on God’s word in order to continue the good work of ministry.